
About Us

Dezhpoolad Ariana Company

Dezhpoolad Ariana has an operating license number 6/11094 from the Ministry of Industry, Mining and Trade of Iran, has ISO 9001-2008 certificates in comprehensive quality management and OHSAS 18001-2007 certificate in safety management. This company has nearly 15 years of experience in quality production. In the field of consulting, designing and producing all kinds of fixed and mobile shelving, including office and library fixed racks, mechanical rail racks, electronic rail racks and warehouse fixed and mobile racks, he has been able to leave behind a very successful executive and quality resume and now By operating the first phase of its new factory located in the Kavian Industrial Town of Mashhad and by installing new machines such as lasers, punches, milling machines and lathes made in Italy, Germany, Japan and creating about 10 thousand meters of new production space in the direction of the largest and most modern We have made a step forward in the production line in the country. It should be noted that all the company’s products, in addition to having the highest quality, have a direct factory warranty and 10-year after-sales service.

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